Thursday, November 11, 2010


Well I have been absent for a while getting my business going and school. Time flies by so quickly when you suddenly realize all of the missed opportunities that I had to enjoy life. It is much more difficult when you carry the burden of depression due to the high demand of life.
I am forever grateful to God for always returning my husband to me safe and sound after every deployment. I also thank God for getting me through the many therapy appts. and, time after time, leading me in the right direction to find the resources that my children needed. I thank God for all of the trials that he has brought upon my life in order to make me the person that I am today. My children have the resources that they need and are well supported in their school.
My husband is stable in his job at the moment in order for us to make up for a very large amount of lost time.
I also want to thank God for giving me the opportunity to see my Grandmother one last time before she passed. I got to tell her that I loved her last night, knowing that those would be the last words that I would get to say to her even though I couldn't be there to kiss and hug her goodby.
God has always placed in on my heart to always tell those special people in your life that you love them, even when you don't want to or think that they already know.

Thank you God for all that you do in my life and the lives of my children and husband.

I love you!

R.I.P Nanny

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