Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year! And help someone in need!

I have been inspired to do more for those in need. I have recently realized that I don't have to commit all of my time and effort to make a difference. I donate goods on a regular basis that we no longer use or need. I normally do this through a facility called Bethel here in Chatt. This facility houses children who for one reason or another cannot live with their parents so they have house parents, people who care for them until they can be reunited with their birth parents. I have donated a ton of goods to this facility. So does everyone else. Ive decided to donate goods to another facility and this would be the Salvation Army. They help the homeless and everything else as well. They allow the less fortunate to come in off the streets to work for a paycheck as well as to socialize in order to get back on their feet. You can go to their site and start your own online red bucket for free!

In addition to the Salvation Army, I have had my eye on this cause as well, One Laptop per Child Foundation. Here is the link: This organization offers laptops to needy children in other countries. You can purchase one for $199 to donate or purchase 2 for $399 to donate one and keep the other. I have been wanting to purchase my 8yr a laptop for sometime now and decided that this is the way I am going to go. I want her to understand that there are many less fortunate children in the world and that we can help them. This is a great cause and you get something great in return. Please check it out and also start your New Year off right by helping someone in need. They will love you and so will God!

Happy New Year and God Bless!
The Henry's 2008

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